It is just like Ratatouille - Anyone can cook!
The first strategy we need to escape the rat race is to have a powerful dream that drives us forward. Those who have successfully escaped from the day-to-day mundane life of being caught in a rut have done so because they have had a dream for something better!
If we don't have bold, daring and imaginative dreams then we are just not being realistic in life!
The reason so many people stuck in the rat race is that they have simply given up on their dreams in life. Before we can successfully make a great escape we need to have a dream.
So what are our dreams?
What are our goals in life?
How can we acquire an expanded view of possibility for us and our family?
Answer these questions and we are well and truly on our ways to raise ourselves above our present circumstances. Get excited about our dreams and we will develop an internal drive to take action to achieve our dreams. Expand our dreams even further and we will become unstoppable when obstacles get in our ways.
We can find numerous ways to create a residual walk away income for life that would give us both time freedom and financial freedom but chances are without a powerful dream we would never do anything about it!
So, all success in life starts with a dream!
One of the way to start a dream is goal setting.
The first thing I would do is write a list of 100 things that we would like to Have, Do and Be in our life. This would be an excellent place for us to start right now!
Imagine for a moment that both time and money was no object in our life.
What would we have in our life?
What would our dream home likely to be?
What car would we drive?
What other toys and material possession would we acquire?
What about the things we would do in life?
Remember that time and money in life are no obstacle so what would we do?
Just go wild for a moment and write down as many ideas as we can.
And finally who would we become?
As a person, what characteristics would we like to acquire?
What personality traits and roles would we take on?
Write down all of our dreams in life see if we can make a list of 100 things we would like to Have, Do and Be in life!
Once we have made a list of things we would like to do, just imagine and have as many images as we can that represent our dreams.
Surround ourselves with these images and begin to imagine our life being complete with all of our dreams turned into reality from there, it is simply a matter of the right vehicle to manifest our dreams.
All success in life starts with a dream - it is the starting point of escaping the rat race to achieve financial freedom!
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