Opportunity First, Security Second!
In order to break free from the rat race we need to seek opportunity first and security second. The landscape of opportunity is where the promised land of freedom lies.
In our society we are taught to get a good education and then find a
good company or job that will provide you with a secure position and income for many years or forever.
But did we know that this mindset is a new development?
Around a hundred years ago most people worked for themselves either on the land or through specialised skills.
Most people were entrepreneurs who had a mindset of seeking opportunity first rather than security. Due to the revolution of the industrial age that people have changed the mindset of people to work for large corporations because they thought it would lead to greater security.
Whilst we may believe we have security in what we are doing right now, the truth of the matter is that most of the people who have sought security are miserably unhappy being a worker drone in the larger collective.
People who seek security first always see the negatives or what is wrong in the opportunities they do look at. People who seek opportunity recognise the negatives, but their focus gravitates towards the positive side and the potential.
To break free from the rat race and create abundance for us and our family, we must begin to seek opportunity that has the potential to lead us to financial freedom.
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