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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Article To Share : People Are Funny

Sometimes, I have to hide a smile when I look at the antics of some people. Certain things they do or say, well, do not quite add up. Check out the following examples:
Some people say, “My life has changed 360 degrees” – to imply that they have undergone a total transformation and are totally different person now. Actually, a 360 degrees change in direction will bring them right back to their starting place. What they should have said is, “My life has changed 180 degrees”.
Some people say, “Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may still wind up in the stars.” I don’t know where they learnt their astronomy but aren’t the stars a lot further away than the moon? So, even if you missed the moon, there is no way you’ll wind up in the stars. You’re more likely to wind up back on earth!
Some people believe that an investment adviser is an expert in investments. They think he knows all there is to know about investments, and then some. They believe the investment adviser has their best interests at heart. Actually, the reason they are called “investment adviser” is that “speculation advisers” do not sell as many products!
Some people believe that a successful formula will bring in excellent results forever. They repeat the formula over and over again because it has been making money. So, even though the world and regulations have changed, they will continue to use the same formula. This partly explains why some people become ex-millionaires! They are stuck in a rut.
Some people rush to buys properties because the CEO of the housing developer told them that prices will soon rise. Don’t they realise that it is the CEO’s job to say that? After all, he is hired to sell as many properties as he can.
Some people think they can make money from options and futures and currencies when they already have a hard time making money from properties, which is actually the easiest, simplest and time-tested way to make money in Malaysia. Isn’t that a little like trying to beat a grandmaster at chess when you cannot even win at checkers?
Some people spend much time, effort and money to research a particular investment. The good news is all that research tells them, yes, the time is right for the investment. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, instead of investing a meaningful amount into the investment, they put in just a small amount of money – RM10,000, RM5,000 or perhaps even less. The problem with this is that the money is too little to be of any significance. For example, if they managed to get a 100% return on investment, which is superb and out-of-this-world return, their RM5,000 becomes RM10,000. While it is certainly a newsworthy performance, the extra RM5,000 will hardly change their financial situation. Had they invested RM100,000 or, even better, RM500,000, in return would have made a huge difference to their situation. This explains why some people never get rich even though they chose the right investment – their investment is too little.

Some people want to become rich but do not want to do anything different. Instead, they want to continue doing what they are currently doing, even though it is not bringing them the desired results. That’s like wanting to see the sunset but heading east to catch it! It just cannot happen!

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